Linked from the menu on the right of this page you'll find a collection of resources which you can use to carry our a local history project in your school - or if you prefer you can just pick and choose a few activities to try! Click here to try a selection of Activities, or download the full Teacher's Pack here. If you want to get stuck in with some Morris tunes, we've scored out simple parts in C, Bb, and bass clef.
You'll also find images, videos, and information about the workshops we carried out as part of the 'Back to the Quarry' project, which we used to form the basis of our Teacher's Pack.
Our FREE downloadable Teacher's Pack is packed full of activities, information, and ideas - plus it's cross-referenced against the current National Curriculum guidelines to help you evidence the different aspects of the curriculum which are covered. It's a truly cross-curricular project, encompassing aspects of literacy, geography, history, music, PE, and more. We've suggested a project outline of five half day sessions (as a minimum) but it's designed to be flexible enough to fit in to your programme of teaching. Some activities are for the whole class, and for some you'd need to split your class in to small groups and assign an activity to each.
If you'd like any more information, or have any questions, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Children at Windmill Primary School creating a timeline of Kimber's life